Your Future Starts Here
- Courses
- Access to Higher Education
- Degree Pathways
- Digital Skills
- Functional Skills
- Employability Skills
- Remote Externship
- …
- Courses
- Access to Higher Education
- Degree Pathways
- Digital Skills
- Functional Skills
- Employability Skills
- Remote Externship
Your Future Starts Here
- Courses
- Access to Higher Education
- Degree Pathways
- Digital Skills
- Functional Skills
- Employability Skills
- Remote Externship
- …
- Courses
- Access to Higher Education
- Degree Pathways
- Digital Skills
- Functional Skills
- Employability Skills
- Remote Externship
Let’s build a future of work that works for everyone.
Let’s grow your people and your business.
Egraduate College offers online university pathway programs that lead to full undergraduate and postgraduate diploma awards. After completing these programmes, employees have the opportunity to expedite their journey towards obtaining a UK university qualification, which can be pursued either on campus or through distance learning.
Fast tracking your employees to a UK degree or MBA.
Egraduate College offers online university pathway programs that lead to full undergraduate and postgraduate diploma awards. After completing these programs, employees have the opportunity to expedite their journey towards obtaining a UK university qualification, which can be pursued either on campus or through distance learning.
Become a member ...
By becoming a member of Egraduate College Network, you gain valuable access to diverse networks and exceptional educational services. Our aim is to assist organisations in broadening their portfolio and boosting revenue. Through our reputable partners, members enjoy direct access to an array of educational technologies, including an e-learning platform, remote assessment software, and skills assessment tools. We warmly welcome organisations offering education and training services to join us.
The best part? Membership is absolutely free, with no annual fees required. Sign up today and unlock a world of opportunities at Egraduate College Network.
Benefit from our services ...
By becoming a member of the Egraduate College Network, your organisation gains access to a wide range of valuable services provided by Egraduate College and its esteemed partners.
These benefits include:
- Access to internationally recognised qualifications.
- High-quality online courses available for your organisation.
- Accreditation of in-house courses and training programmes.
- Participation in University Progression Networks.
- Access to resources for Quality Assurance.
- University placement services made available.
- Partnership opportunities with further education colleges and universities.
- Regular staff training and development programmes.
- Participation in various projects, grants, and scholarships.
- Discounts on the annual fee of UK Awarding Organisations.
One of the greatest advantages of our membership is that it is specifically designed to save your organisation money while providing these valuable benefits.
Membership Form
Become a member of Egraduate College Network. It's FREE!
About Us
Egraduate College is a remote-first education provider specialising in pathway education for higher education institutions (HEIs). With a focus on assisting international students, Egraduate College offers valuable opportunities for individuals to pursue their academic aspirations at renowned HEIs primarily in the United Kingdom, as well as in the United States and Europe.
Egraduate College is accredited by ASIC (Accreditation Services for International Colleges and Universities).
Our courses lead to internationally recognised qualifications awarded by UK Awarding Organisations such as Open College Network South East Region (trading as Laser Learning Awards) and Accredited Skills for Industry.
Contact Us
Davidson House
Forbury Square
Reading RG1 3EU
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1182287360
+44 (0) 7546912480
Copyright © 2020-2024 - Egraduate College Ltd. Registered in England and Wales.
Egraduate College is registered with the UK Register of Learning Provider (UKRLP Reference Number: 10087926).
ICO Registration Reference: ZA862540